The importance of each macro and why you need to them:
Written by Rev Nutritionist, Rebecca Desousa
We calculate your macro-nutrients for your specific goals. The objective is to consume the right amount of energy to maintain metabolic integrity while forcing the body to burn fat for fuel. Therefore, we express the importance of reaching the macro-nutrient numbers given to you and being consistent with those numbers day-to-day, so you can see results while also living a sustainable lifestyle where you should not feel hungry. These numbers are given to you to optimize fat loss while holding on to lean mass and for optimal performance in the gym. We cannot help you if you do not follow the plan. We provide you the tools, but you must put the work in and make the lifestyle changes necessary. This should not be a 4-week challenge or a 3 month program. This should be a lifestyle change that you want to maintain doing long-term.
Protein: 1 gram of protein = 4 calories
-Protein is the major structural and functional component of all cells in your body and it plays a role in many biological processes that allow you to live and function.
-They are used to build and repair tissues and help you fight infection.
-Hitting your protein goal is important regardless of what your goals are whether that is fat loss, building muscle or maintaining weight.
-Protein is particularly important when you are trying to lose fat because protein is the most muscle-sparing and metabolic macronutrient, and it also keeps you full.
-About 25% of your muscle mass is made up of protein.
-There is no need to worry about nutrient timing on when exactly you should get your protein in, just concentrate on the total for the day and consume protein throughout the day that fits into your schedule and your preference!
Fat: 1 gram of fat = 9 calories
-Fat is a major fuel source for your body and has multiple functions such as, helping your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, regulating inflammation, and hormone production.
-Fat is nutritionally essential because certain fatty acids cannot be produced by the body for survival and need to be eaten and these fatty acids are called linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid.
-Eating fat will not make you fat. Eating in a caloric surplus will. Your body needs fats to survive and perform optimally.
Carbohydrates: 1 gram of carbohydrates = 4 calories
-Carbs have many functions but their biggest role is to provide energy to the cells in the body, your brain is particularly in need of glucose as an energy source.
-By consuming enough amounts of carbs in your diet you ensure your body can meets its energy needs this way it won’t be forced to break down the other macros for energy.
-Eating carbs will not make you fat. Eating in a caloric surplus will.
Moral of the story is if you eat the right amount of macro-nutrients that your body needs you will see the results you want to see. Our goal here is to teach you a sustainable lifestyle that you can maintain long-term while reaching your goals. We are not here to give you a quick fix or a fad diet. We want to provide flexibility and structure that are going to work for you, that are going to keep you satisfied, keep your performance in the gym optimal and give you the results you want to see while creating a healthier lifestyle. It is a process, but you must do it and trust it in order to see it work.