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FITNESS BY REVOLUTIONIZE and Training Intensifiers

If you haven't already heard, we are proud to bring you a new service: FITNESS BY REVOLUTIONIZE! Since 2013, RevolutioniZe has always included a basic workout program with our RevolutioniZe Nutrition membership, to help you excel towards your body transformation goals. However, many of our members have asked for a more customized lifting program that they could follow and apply at their commercial gyms or home gyms. These inquiries came from members who required more experienced training methodology, sport specific training, or had physical limitations or injuries. We listened to what you wanted, and we are here to deliver! However, this type of program designing requires time, a sit-down in-person or virtual consultation, feedback, strategy, modifications and check ins. If you peep on our website you will notice this new option added to our services page - FITNESS BY REVOLUTIONIZE.

Included in this service, is direct access to our head exercises science and fitness coaches, owners, Michele and Randy Frankel. As a separate service from our monthly nutrition membership, you can now sign up for this additional monthly coaching, in which you will be able to have regular contact with Randy and Michele as they strategize each month's training protocol and can assist in modifications along the way. Monthly FITNESS BY REVOLUTIONIZE membership price is listed on our services page. Ask your RevolutioniZe Nutritionist how you can sign up for this additional service, or contact us at to schedule your consultation!

With the launch of this new service, we thought it would be a great time to share different types of TRAINING INTENSIFIERS in this weeks Rev Blog!

There are many tactics you can use to intensify your training routines, push your body out of it's comfort zone, and make progress. Here are 8 methods we can use to take an exercise we have mastered and manipulate it, thus creating a more anabolic environment for a big pump, allowing for muscular development, increased strength, and density. If you have further questions on these intensifiers, or how to apply them, don't hesitate to reach out to us, or consider utilizing our Fitness by RevolutioniZe service to advance to the next level!

  1. Rest Pause: Take your set to near failure or within 1-2 reps of failure. Time out a short 10-20 second break. Then continue the set with the same weight for less reps until failure or near failure.

  2. Antagonist Paired Sets: Train muscles or movements that directly oppose one another, but are proximal to one another. Examples: Push/Pull, Tricep/Bicep, Hamstring/Quad, Chest/Back

  3. Tempo Change: Change the rep tempo from your natural pace and rhythm. For example: Try a 1 second concentric contraction or flex of the muscle, hold, and 3 second eccentric contraction or lengthening of the muscle, battling the resistance.

  4. Traditional Drop Set: First set, heavy load until failure. Immediately drop 20-40% weight to continue reps until failure. Can be performed for multiple drops. Ex. As many reps as possible on bench at 225 lb, immediately strip off a plate, dropping to 135 lb, and continuing reps to or near failure.

  5. Mechanical Drop Set: Continued variations of the same exercise with the same weight. Ex. Push ups until failure, and then continuing with kneeling push ups. Ex.Lateral raises with extended elbows, and continuing with 45 degree bent elbows.

  6. Partial Reps and Forced Reps: Beyond Failure Reps. Ex. Having a workout partner to help with concentric contraction and you control the eccentric contraction. The exercises need to be MASTERED before performing any variation of forced/partial reps.

  7. Pre-Exhaust: Pre-exhausting the smaller muscle prior to a larger compound movement. Ex. Training triceps prior to bench press. Ex. Training lateral raises prior to overhead shoulder press.

  8. BFR- Blood Flow Restriction: Submaximal weight load. Oftentimes used in a rehabilitative environment. Restricts blood flow out of a muscle during contraction. Requires use of BFR cuffs or tourniquet-like bands.



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